Avocado Recipes To Keep Diabetics Gratified


Finally Avocados are a fantastic addition to a healthy diet for individuals with diabetes. The nutrient-rich superfood promotes a healthy lifestyle by helping to manage diabetes and prevent complications. Diabetic Avocado recipes keep patients full and boost their energy levels. These recipes not only provide high satiety, but they are also nutritious and delicious.

It can be an ideal ingredient in any meal. The fruit’s buttery texture gives a smooth mouthfeel. It can substitute mayonnaise, butter, and cheese.

Nutritional info on Avocado

Avocado, also known as butter fruit, is a low-GI fruit that does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Besides this, it aids in digestion, weight loss, and pregnancy, improves bone and heart health, and fights depression and cancer. Per 100 grams of this calories-rich fruit has-

Potassium                            485 mg
Magnesium                         29 mg
Phosphorus                        52 mg
Folate                                    81 µg
Fiber                                       6.7 g
Protein                                    2 g
Fats                                         14.7 g
Carbohydrate                     8.5 g
Calcium                                 12 g
Vitamin B6                          0.257 mg
Vitamin C                             10 mg
Vitamin E                             2.07 mg
Vitamin K                             21 mg
Lutein + zeaxanthin       271 µg
Beta- carotene                  62 µg
Riboflavin                            0.13 mg
Niacin                                    1.74 mg
Pantothenic acid              1.39 mg
Calories                                160

(Courtesy: Food data central)

Diet food of diabetics

Avocado makes an excellent choice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. According to a Nutrition Journal, Biomedcentral a study has found that eating half of an avocado with lunch can increase the fullness level up to 5 hours later. Their monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA, good fat), soluble fiber, and delicious taste combo help keep us full for long.

Though guacamole dip and salad are great, there are many unique avocado recipes for diabetics that you must try.

5 best Avocado recipes

Avocado Banana oats muffins-

Avocados can make a delicious, nutritious dessert. Blend it with bananas, oats, and chocolate chips to craft a dessert that even children would love. It completes the need for fats, while banana adds the perfect natural sweetness. Read how to make gooey chocolate avocado banana oats muffins.

Baked avocado egg-

Baked avocado and egg is a delicious combination for breakfast. This recipe is simple and quick (prepared in under 30 minutes). Both mama and kids would love it! The eggs molded in an avocado pit would look appealing, and baking would make it creamier. Avocado and eggs would keep you full longer than any other breakfast.

Avocado sushi roll-

The roll is quick to make once you have a nori seaweed sheet and sticky rice or short-grain brown rice in the pantry. Butter fruit is an uncommon ingredient in sushi rolls in Japan. This vegetarian sushi roll is perfect for kids and vegans. You can feed cucumbers, olives, carrots, and other veggies with sushi. You can have it for lunch or dinner.

Tuna and Avocado wrap sandwich-

Nutritionists suggest having seafood twice a week. Crunchy, light, and refreshing Tuna and Avocado wrap is a power pack of nutrition from tuna, veggies, and avocado. Add carrot, onion, celery, jalapeno, and garlic powder to the tuna and avocado mash in a large bowl. Enhance the flavor with salt, pepper, and fresh lime juice. Enhance the flavor with salt, pepper, and fresh lime juice. Add carrot, onion, celery, jalapeno, and garlic powder to the tuna and avocado mash in a large bowl. Add the seasoning, salt, black pepper, and lime juice. To assemble, lay the tortilla flat and place a lettuce leaf. Place a spoonful of tuna mix and halved cherry tomatoes on the lettuce. Wrap the tortilla.

Avocado fish tacos-

This recipe features delicious seafood filling in crispy corn tortilla shells. Coat the fish fillets in all-purpose flour, cornmeal, red chili, and onion powder. Finally, flipping, and cooking the fillet from both sides make it crisp brown, and flaky outside. Place the fish fillet in a taco shell or warmed tortilla and sprinkle some salt, topping with avocado slices and pico de gallo or salsa. Garnish with some greens and lemon wedges for freshness.

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